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Edon TS515 Scull

Edon TS515 Sculling Boats only $2699.00 new

We Ship All Over the USA

Call, Text or email to order - 757 620 9975 or info@virginiarowing.com

With removable stabilizer PONTOONS & a pair of storage cradles - Oars extra $499 a pair



Edon sculling boats

Only available in the USA from the Virginia Rowing Company. The most popular recreational sliding seat rowing boats in the USA, only $2699 new, complete with removable stabilizer pontoons and low storage cradles. (oars extra at $499 per pair). A real rowing shell at an affordable price.

Rowing boats at Mission Bay California

Edon sculling boats, light, durable, fast and a lot of fun the Edon TS515 is the perfect sculling boat for exercise and recreation, for individuals, for clubs, for camps and for learn to row programs.


LIGHT AND EASY: Very manageable, easy to transport. Recreational sculls are often heavy and difficult to pick up but the Edon TS515 single scull has handles under the seat as well as bow and stern so moving the boat is easy.


FAST but STABLE: Responsive and quick but comfortable to row and not "tippy". Edon TS515 sculling boats are Fast, Fun, Affordable and Easy to use.The Ideal boat for learning to row, for exercise or for recreation.


The Edon TS515 is a fast yet stable rowing boat that you'll feel comfortable and confident in and it comes with removable pontoons to ensure you wont flip the boat if you make an error.


The hull shape of a Sculling boat is very important, a low drag round bottom is essential for speed and enjoyment, flat bottomed boats and SUP boards with rowing units attached are a chore to row, heavy and slow due to high levels of drag not allowing the boat to continue to run between strokes.rowingshells.jpg

17 feet long, made from tough Polyethylene and a designed rower weight of up to around 240lbs


The Edon's rounded hull is designed to be stable yet fast and a joy to row, the removable pontoons make the boat safe for all ages, providing extra stability when you need it without getting in the way.

Although stable Edon TS515 sculling boats have a roundish bottom which provides feedback for the rower to be able to keep a check on and improve their technique.


 EASY STORAGE: Edon rowing boats come with a free pair of stackable low storage cradles for garage or boat house storage.


Removable stabilizer pontoons come with every Edon TS515 rowing boat. These can be fitted or removed in seconds, the pontoons connect directly to the wing rigger and have been designed to ensure they don't impede boat speed. With the pontoons fitted the boat is almost impossible to flip, a real benefit when learning to scull or if you row on cold water where falling in could be a serious hazard.

TOUGH: The Edon is not fragile like carbon fiber or fiber glass boats, Edons are the only rowing boats made from a special polyethylene foam sandwich material which makes them durable but also light. The tough yet light construction makes Edon rowing boats ideal for novices or experience rowers, for schools, camps and as club trainers.

FAST RIGGING: Rigging or unrigging is done in seconds thanks to a patented quick release system that's simple and precise.


EDON TS515 single scull - SPECIFICATION

length: 17 feet (5.15m)
width: 23 inches (60 cm)
Hull weight: 50lbs (22kg)
Capacity: 240lbs (110kg)
Spread: 159cm
Colour: White with grey fleck

Made in Australia

TRAINING: The Edon TS515 is the perfect platform for young and not so young to learn to scull without spending all their time in the water, inspiring confidence and a positive learning experience. With the pontoons off you have an excellent training and recreational sculling boat which is fast, easy to row and fun to use.

Car Topping: Edon rowing boats are easy to car top, almost any kayak system works well with the Edon.

SET UP: Settings such as oarlock heights are identical to standard racing boats making the Edon perfect for progression within the sport.


- Patented quick release rigger
- Free storage cradles
- Removable stabilizer pontoons
- Dual action sliding seat
- Standard sculling oarlocks

Affordable Edon rowing boats for sale all across the USA only from the Virginia Rowing company

Rowing? Sculling? What's in a name?

Rowing and sculling are both used when talking about sliding seat one person rowboats. Sculling is actually more correct but can confuse things and even very experienced scullers will say they're going rowing. We don't think it actually matters what you call it as long as you enjoy doing it. Edon rowing boats are designed to ensure that you do enjoy every moment of it.

Edon rowing boats

Ideal for training and exercise, for learning or just for fun, Edon TS515 rowboats are the perfect boat for fitness and fun on the water. Shipped economically all across the USA. Affordable rowing boats for individuals, for clubs and for camps.