Edon TS515 Only $2699 new + Oars $499 a pair
Complete with removable pontoon stabilizers and Low storage cradles
Sole USA seller of Edon TS515 rowing boats - We Ship all over the USA
Call, Text or Email for Details 757 620 9975 (info@virginiarowing.com)
Edon Rowing Boats - The most affordable recreational sculling boats in the USA. A real sliding seat rowing boat at an affordable price.
We love the Edon TS515 with it's fast streamlined but stable hull, light, easy to row and they come with removable pontoon stabilizers that enhance safety by helping prevent the boat from flipping when learning or if rowing on cold water.
Shown with Pontoons ON (in the Gulf of Mexico)
Rowing is a low impact sport meaning that you don't get the jolt to the joints that you do with running, soccer etc, it's a sport that can be learnt quickly by young and not so young, it's a sport for life. Rowing provides a whole body work out but is also great for the mind. Lastly you don't have to blast up and down the lake, rowing in a sculling boat is just a wonderful thing whatever speed you decide to go.
Shown with Pontoons Off
The hull shape of a Sculling boat is very important, a low drag round bottom is essential for speed and enjoyment, flat bottomed boats and SUP boards with rowing units attached are a chore to row, heavy and slow due to high levels of drag not allowing the boat to continue to run between strokes.
The Edon TS515's rounded hull is designed to be stable yet fast and a joy to row, the removable pontoons make the boat safe for all ages, providing extra stability when you need it without getting in the way and for clubs and camps this feature will help to meet an organizations duty of care obligations when teaching young people, you also get a higher retention rate from your learn to row classes
Made of durable polyethylene the Edon is damage resistant and is unaffected by UV, it is the perfect rowing boat for exercise and fun, whether you are an experienced sculler or just starting out.
Edon rowing boats are designed for rowers up to 240lbs, the Edon is light and at 17 feet long is easy to Store, car top or move around, the perfect recreational sculling boat for all skill levels.
Edon TS515 sculling boats only from the Virginia Rowing Company.
Made in Australia this high quality sculling boat will meet your needs for many years to come.
Check out the other wonderful features of the Edon TS515 sculling boats by clicking on the menu at the top of the page, the most affordable recreational sculling boats in the USA.
Virginia Rowing was created by rowers to introduce affordable products to the public and to spread the word about the wonderful life long, low impact sport that is rowing. We are always happy to talk to people about the joys of sculling or about our Edon rowing boats, Braca oars and other equipment, just call or Text us on 757 620 9975 or email to info@virginiarowing.com
We use the terms sculling boat, rowing boat, rowing shell and rowboat interchangeably, in the context of our products they all basically mean the same thing. Technically a rowing shell does not have a keel, just a skeg (fin) and rowers in a sculling boat have 2 oars each. Folks talk about going rowing and it can mean rowing with 1 oar or 2, most people use these terms interchangeably, it's confusing but really doesn't matter.
Fixed seat rowing in boats such as wherries and guide boats uses the arms but not the legs which are the stronger muscles. Sliding seat rowing boats allow the use of the legs by moving the body back and forth on a wheeled seat, this also means that the oarlocks have to be spread further apart as the arc of travel of the oar handle is greater and consequently these sit on a wide rigger either attached to the sides of the boat on top. The combination of wide apart oar locks on riggers and a sliding seat means that the boat can be rowed a greater distance each rowing stroke and with more energy and faster than with fixed seat rowing boats.
Rowing on a sliding seat works all the major muscle groups and is also good cardio exercise. Don't worry that you think you are not fit enough to row, as you learn and your rowing technique improves so will your fitness allowing you to spend more time on the water which after all is what it's all about.
We are always happy to talk about rowing and in particular about our very affordable Edon TS515 sculling boats. Just call or email and we will do our very best to answer your questions promptly.
The most popular and affordable recreational rowing boats available in the USA today. Complete with stabilizer pontoons and low storage cradles, get into rowing, order your Edon TS515 rowing boat today. Call or email today for a shipping quote 757 620 9975
Cancellation Policy:
Sometimes things happen and a customer may wish to cancel their order, it happens, personal circumstances change and we try to work with customers on this however this can be very disruptive to our business in terms of cost and work and so we established the following policy to protect the business whilst being as fair as possible to our customers.
I should say that over the years we have had very few cancellations and hopefully that will always be the case. The policy is:
If you ordered and paid for a boat and wish to cancel that order but the boat has not shipped from us in Norfolk VA, a 12% cancellation fee will apply.This covers all the processing work and preparation of the boat for shipping and any work and payments we will have made to our shippers and other involved parties
If you wish to cancel once the boat has shipped from us in Norfolk VA then a 12% cancellation fee will plus 2 x the shipping cost will apply. The 2 x shipping fee is because once on the trailer the boat does not leave until it arrives with the customer. If the customer cancels then the boat will travel outbound and will then have to return to us, the transport people will charge us for bringing it back
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Boat Quotes
“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”
Rowing is not only good for the body, it's good for the mind. Gliding across the water propelled solely by your own effort and contained in a sleek rowing boat not much wider that you are, heaven on earth.
Edon TS515 recreational rowboats. The most affordable sculling boats available in the USA.